Stop the Mold: Health hazard in your house
Mold is a common problem in almost every house (especially old ones). Damp winter or humid summer could result in moisture inside the building and mold will surely follow. Bathrooms and basements without proper ventilation are affected most oftenly. That’s why after any flood you have to get rid of water damaged parts to get rid of mold’s spores.
There are several mold’s types we can encounter in our homes. Alternaria (showers and leaky sinks), aspergillus (dust and construction materials), cladosporium (fabric and wood), penicillium (materials with water damage). They could be yellow, green, pink or black and also vary in texture. All those spores could be very harmful for your health once breathed into your lungs.
As a result, the body starts to experience different symptoms: itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, skin irritation, etc. Most symptoms correlate with allergies and most of the time people don’t think about molds.
If you recently got allergy symptoms without any reason (no new pets or food, for example), then it’s better to check your place for mold. Check bathrooms and under sinks around your house. Check tiles, ceilings, carpet, vents and windows. Mold could grow even on a back side of wallpaper or behind the drywall sheet.
With small localization you could try to get rid of mold with professional chemicals found in hardware stores. If mold is already inside the carpet or drywall, the better choice is to call professionals and do proper work to get rid of it. That option is not cheap but guarantees safety to your family.