Express Drywall Services

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National Cat Day: When Cats Become the Most Picky Inspectors on Our Job Sites

At Express Drywall Services, we’ve had our fair share of critical eyes watching over our work—but none more attentive (or demanding) than the household cats we meet on job sites. These furry inspectors may not say much, but their watchful gazes and precise attention to detail make them some of our toughest critics!

From sitting on freshly installed drywall to carefully inspecting every tool we bring in, cats take their "supervisory" role very seriously. Often, they’ll park themselves in a sunny spot nearby and watch us work with the kind of focus only a cat can muster. Their keen observation skills (and occasional playfulness) keep us on our toes as we navigate through each project.

But we’ve come to love these feline friends on the job. After all, it’s not every day you get to work with such adorable “bosses.” Their presence brings a lightheartedness to the process, reminding us that a little bit of joy can be found in every step of a renovation—even if it’s just a cat quietly judging your framing skills!

So, in honor of National Cat Day, we salute all the cats out there who make sure we’re getting the job done right. If they approve, you can bet it’s a quality project!