Construction could be funny


Construction is a hard job that requires physical activity and psychological strength when communicating with customers. That’s why it’s not surprising that jokes and pranks between crew’s members are normal. 

Most of the time the targets to the pranks are new or younger members. Less experience they have more chances to get an errand that brings you to the unusual situation. Usually those are friendly pranks like sending the rookie to a supplier to bring non existing material or tools: blue steam or spirit level bubbles or bucket of toe-nails. 

Even life hacks look like a prank: “Set up your ladder and have a nap at the bottom. If somebody catches you, just tell you fell and lost consciousness”. 

That could be friendly jokes (such as nailing an unsupervised tool box to a concrete) or pretty daring pranks that could cause a heart attack to a victim. 

Some of those funny moments you can see sometimes at construction sites or next time when you plan a renovation at your place.


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